Polling questions:
Q. Which issues, impacting Scarborough-Agincourt, are most important to you?
Transit X
Housing X
Economy X
Traffic X
Gun violence X
A They are all important.
Q How important is it for you that the successful candidate live in the Ward?
Very important
Somewhat important
Not that important X
It is not that important. The city councillor has a constituency office to where all questions and concerns can be forwarded .
Q Delta Hotel homeless shelter:
Extend date past April 30, 2021 contract
Continue but remove by April 30, 2021 contract X
Remove immediately
A. Continue but remove by April 30, 2021 contract
Q How important is the implementation of the Sheppard Subway to you?
Very important X
Somewhat important
Not that important
A. Transit is very important for residents
Q . Licensing for multi-tenant (rooming) houses should be permitted in Scarborough-Agincourt.
Unsure X
A . Unsure. Why? It’s a question of safety, security, for the residents that could be jeopardized
Q .In regards to the police presence in Scarborough Agincourt, would you like to see:
More X
A. More. Police presence is a deterrent to crime.