For those who think that life should go back to what it was, you are mistaken, it cannot.
This is A TURNING POINT: Life can move forward with God.
Look at ungodly living: repent;
Look at Canadian government laws that are IMMORAL and promote such: change those laws;
Look at ALL INJUSTICES committed : INDIFFERENCE towards INDIGENOUS people that are crying out for DRINKABLE WATER, adequate number of housing units to alleviate over-crowding denouncing BLACK MOULD in the WALLS giving SORES TO CHILDREN, roads, internet, mini airports, recreational services, health services. Their people are plagued with suicides;
the people of French Quebec, oppressed, prevented of attaining THEIR FULL ECONOMIC POTENTIAL: the tax rate on paycheques is 48% of Gross income;
the homeless let to wander in the downtown core of the city of Toronto , in MIDTOWN-TORONTO causing problems and safety concerns , and elsewhere;
the poor in the City of Toronto , oppressed , mistreated in Toronto Community Housing Corp. (T.C.H.C.) with DEFERRED PAYMENT SYSTEM(previously used) and other rent calculations not respecting the ongoing income of the month for the rent amount to be paid, mixing the mentally ill with workers who pay taxes and need a descent night's sleep: a system corrupted.
GREED and SELFISHNESS is allowed by those who profit from the majority;