To alleviate the burden of the people of the FRENCH province of Quebec, FEDERAL INCOME TAXES must be cut to zero(0) on the paycheques of workers .
And 2% of the 5% GST (Goods and Services Tax) should be transferred to Quebec city.
These people have been kept under, prevented of being prosperous because of the FEAR of the Federal Government they would ask for INDEPENDENCE.
The Prosperity of the French province of Quebec, because of ts CULTURAL DISTINCTION unique to North America, will OVERFLOW TO The Maritime Provinces.
This Federal Income tax cut will also give the people of the FRENCH province of Quebec incentive to LIVE THERE and TO PROSPER there.
By doing so, this will alleviate the STRESS on the services of the city of Toronto Ontario as it has become the destination of choice seeking a Better Life fleeing OPPRESSION AND OVER-TAXATION in the French province of Quebec.
There has been INIQUITY and INJUSTICE in the FRENCH province of Quebec.